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Jump to: Scenario Schedule 

We utilize a flexible scenario scheduling model whereby areas of the compound are opened up for blocks of time for scenario execution throughout the days. Scenario details are coordinated on site at the various locations with our MPR/DCR scenario teams. Participating teams are accommodated at the locations according to the training needs they express.

If you register for the Mock Prison Riot as a Participating Team, you will be permitted to execute training scenarios while you are on site. We are happy to accommodate your situation, whatever that may be.

Your team leader knows your training needs; therefore, we welcome and encourage you and your teammates to design the details of the scenarios you want to execute, within reason. You pick the location - cell block, dining hall, recreation yard. However, if you do need assistance in developing a scenario, we are here to help you! Just reach out to us via email in advance and we can help you. If you do not need advice on designing your scenario, then you can coordinate your scenario details on site with our MPR/DCR scenario teams at the various locations for execution.
There are no restrictions on the number of team members we can accommodate for a Mock Prison Riot scenario. We accommodate teams with as few as 4 to 5 members. Or we can accommodate teams with 50 or more members. We accommodate brand new teams as well as seasoned teams. 
Most areas of the penitentiary and grounds are available for scenario execution.  We can even accommodate helicopters. 

If you are participating in a scenario, you should bring all tactical equipment and supplies that you normally train with and that you will need based on the nature of the scenario that your team formulates with the Mock Prison Riot staff. However, please be advised that no live ammunition, explosive devices, or chemical agents are permitted on the grounds for the duration of the Mock Prison Riot. Your weapon will be rendered inoperable prior to entrance.

Review Safety Regulations

Start planning now.

We do not assign specific days, times, and locations to each team for execution of scenarios. Rather, we schedule blocks of time for scenario execution whereby teams arrive to the location(s) of their choosing, at the timeframe(s) of their choosing, to coordinate logistics and execution of training on-site and in real time with our MPR/DCR scenario teams. MPR/DCR scenario teams will either have on hand or will have quick access to training grade supplies such as smoke, bangs, and props, if you need them for your scenario(s). Our sponsor Sabre distributes training grade OC spray from their booth. Our sponsor Pepperball distributes training grade projectiles and delivery systems from their booth. Please note supplies are limited in order to accommodate everyone. If you need Sabre OC or Pepperball supplies, you should obtain them PRIOR to arrival at your scenario location(s). If there is a specific technology not mentioned herein that you want to deploy in your scenario(s), please coordinate directly with the exhibitor of the technology via their booth in the exhibit hall PRIOR to your arrival at the scenario location, bring the technology with you or have the exhibitor accompany you with the technology, and then you can coordinate with your MPR/DCR scenario team at the desired location(s) and timeframe(s).

If you are a participating team, please consider role playing for other teams.

This scheduling model is designed to afford our participating teams more flexibility to work around workshops; to execute multiple scenarios, if desired; to accommodate teams that sign up at the last minute; and to help our international teams who may be familiarizing themselves with our compound or working together as a team for the first time. Your team is even welcome to run through the same scenario multiple times in the same location if no other teams are waiting behind you. If other teams are in line to execute, you are welcome to execute again after all teams behind you have executed. Our experienced MPR/DCR scenario teams can pretty much help facilitate any training objectives you have.

If your team is not first to a location, no worries, you won’t have long to wait. Our Safety Teams keep things moving and can brief and work out logistics with multiple teams at the same time and then execute the scenarios in rapid fashion.  Please feel free to execute training at as many or as few locations and timeframes as your team prefers.

Please contact our staff to discuss your specific needs.