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Observers/ Individuals

There's something here for everyone...

You do not have to attend as a technology developer or participating team to benefit from the Mock Prison Riot. In fact, the majority of our attendees attend as individuals/observers.

Registering and attending under observer status permits you access to the Exhibition Hall, access to workshops, and the ability to observe as many technology demonstrations and tactical training scenarios as you like.

We value your opinion, and so do our exhibitors. We want to hear from you. Just like participating teams, observers offer feedback on technologies/products they see in the Exhibit Hall and during demonstrations. The Mock Prison Riot is your opportunity to voice your technology needs and concerns directly to the developers who provide the products you need to safely and effectively do your job. Whether you are just checking out new tactics and technologies or are looking to purchase for your agency, we welcome you. Observers come to the Mock Prison Riot from all aspects of public safety: law enforcement, corrections, military, defense/homeland security research and development, medical, administration, and criminal justice academia.

The Mock Prison Riot is a dynamic and exciting event. You won't be sitting on the sidelines if you don't want to. Observers participate in technology demonstrations, workshops, and even as role players for training scenarios if they want to.

Benefits of Observers/Individuals

  • The purpose of the Mock Prison Riot is to provide training and technology exposure for corrections and law enforcement practitioners. The Mock Prison Riot facilitates the "marriage" of technologies and end-users, utilizing the decommissioned West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville for tactical training scenarios, technology demonstrations, workshops, and networking. End-users are able to take technologies from our showcase and deploy them throughout the prison compound in tactical training scenarios they design. This, in turn, provides optimum conditions for feedback regarding the effectiveness of the technologies. Exhibitors then digest suggestions for modifications and improvements, leading to next-generation products on a global scale.
  • No one under 18 is allowed on site. This event is not open to the general public or the media. This event is open to Exhibitors whose technologies are related to the fields of law enforcement and corrections, the military, and entities with public safety interests. The event is open to law enforcement and corrections practitioners and support personnel. Official law enforcement agency, corrections, or public safety identification must be shown prior to admittance. Criminal justice students are admitted if they are enrolled in an accredited college or university and are under the supervision of an instructor/academic official.
  • Participating teams and observers are free to attend for however long your budget allows you to stay. Some participants and observers come for just one day. Some come only for the Mock Prison Riot (Tuesday/Wednesday). Others come only for the Skills Competition (Monday/Tuesday). Some come for both (Sunday - Wednesday). This is up to you and your team/department and your individual budget constraints. Local hotels range in price from about $50 to $150 per night.
  • Many first-time attendees find that it is very beneficial to attend as observers. This allows you to tour the facility and observe all the different technologies and types of scenarios available. We are happy to accommodate your situation, whatever that may be. There is no limit on attendance for the Mock Prison Riot. Some agencies send 1 or 2 people, while others send teams of up to 70 or more. There will be food for purchase from vendors on site.
  • Our Exhibitors actively seek the feedback of the end-users who attend this event. They tell us that the feedback provided is critical to the product development cycle. By working together - Exhibitors and end-users - you are helping to shape the future of tactics and technologies in the law enforcement and corrections industry on national and international scales.