Safety Inspections
Safety inspections will be completed at the staging area prior to each event. Stationed Judges will inspect all weapons and munitions prior to the team moving into their starting position. Each team member will also be inspected to verify the presence of all Mission Essential Equipment.
The same inspections will be completed after each event, prior to any members being released from the staging area.
Mission Essential Equipment:
All tactical team events, except the Obstacle Course, require the following as Mission Essential Equipment:
- Helmet
- Protective Mask/Eye Protection
- Ear Protection
- Gloves
- Protective vest (ballistic or stab); carriers are optional but cannot be substituted as a protective vest.
- Boots (running shoes and sneakers are not boots, regardless of color)
- Flashlight
Prohibited Items
- No munitions will be brought from outside. Any teams wishing to utilize their own munitions must declare that at the Team Leader briefing and make arrangements for entry and inspection of said munitions. All less lethal munitions and marking rounds will be provided. The only exception will be the live handgun ammunition for the range event and those will not be provided and will not be brought inside the compound.
- Hand-held electronic devices are prohibited from being on the person of any participating team member while in the on deck position of each event or prior to completion of the event debrief conducted by the senior judge following the teams “run”.
Unless otherwise noted, event scores will be a result of the team’s total time plus any penalties incurred.
Any violations/penalties assessed will be reviewed with the Team Leader immediately following the event.
Safety Violations
Safety violations will result in a 60 second penalty for each violation. Safety violations will include:
- Any weapon returning to the start/finish box in an unsafe configuration.
- Handguns will be holstered. If it’s in hand, it’s a penalty.
- Long guns will be action open, safety on. If it’s closed, or safety off, it’s a penalty.
- Any “dropped” weapon or distraction device will result in a safety violation. If it hits the deck, it’s a penalty.
- Any exchange or passing of weapons between team members will be done hand-to-hand with the weapon in a completely safe configuration. Operators will maintain physical control of all weapons always.
- Entering an area prior to or during the initiation of a FSDD- flash/sound distraction device.
- All FSDD will be dropped in the “threshold” of the doorway. Devices thrown/deployed too deeply in to the room or an unsafe/unobserved area will be penalized. Safe areas will be clearly marked.
- Firing at a Non-threat target. In this case, misses do count.
- Violations that are clearly negligent or of such a gross nature that they present a danger to team members, judges or observers will result in disqualification from the event and a score of zero. An example of such a violation would be the “negligent discharge” of any weapons system or munition.
Procedural Violations
Procedural violations will result in a 30 second penalty being assessed. Procedural violations will include:
- Improper placement of any “dummy”.
- Failure to recover any “dummy”.
- Failure to observe designated checkpoints/routes/instructions.
- Any failure to wear or loss of any item designated as “Mission Essential Equipment” will result in a violation for each item and each team member not in compliance.
Misses will result in a 30 second penalty for each occurrence. Examples of misses include:
- Failure to deploy FSDD into the designated area.
- Failure to fire or make the required number of hits on target.
- Note: All threat targets and less lethal targets encountered must be engaged with a minimum of two (2) rounds appropriate to the target.
- Any violations/penalties assessed will be reviewed with the Team Leader immediately following the event.